Academic Advising
We can answer any and all of your questions from advice on classes and tutors to study abroad opportunities.
We work with prospective, current, and transfer students.
We'll provide you with one-on-one guidance throughout your academic career at the Nistler College of Business & Public Administration (CoBPA). Faculty members within your area of discipline will provide career advising.
Make an Appointment
The Office of Academic Advisement is located in Nistler Hall Room 101. Appointments can be scheduled online via Hawk Central or by calling our main office at 701.777.2975
- If you are uncertain as to who your advisor is, you can check in your Student Center on Campus Connection, on Hawk Central, or a staff member in our office can look up that information for you.
- We advise all students in the Nistler CoBPA, across 16 majors and a variety of minors, certificates, and tracks.
- If you know that you will not be able to keep an appointment, please cancel or reschedule at least two hours before your appointment.
- During registration periods (November/April), schedule your appointment at least two weeks before your registration date listed on Campus Connection. It is especially important that you attend your scheduled meeting due to limited availability.
What We Can Help You With
Through the academic advising process, you will be able to:
- Make timely and informed decisions on major(s) and/or minor(s)
- Use and understand campus resources
- Make educated academic and personal decisions
- Create a personal path to degree completion
Change or Add a Major
In just one easy click you can now change/or add a major!
Don't be a Stranger
We recommend you meet with your advisor at least once per semester for course selection and advisement, but advisors are available year-round. Advisors can be consulted for a range of questions or issues related to academic progress, degree requirements, academic difficulties, university policies, or referrals to resources on campus and in the community.
Campus Resources
- Scholarships
- Registrar’s Office: 701.777.2711, Twamley 201
- Important Dates
- Academic Catalogs
- Transcripts
- Collaborative Student Registration
- Final Exam Schedule
- Essential Studies
- Writing Center: 701.777.2795, Chester Fritz Library Room 321
- MALL: 701.777.6868, O’Kelly Hall 33
- Tutoring/Learning Services: 701.777.2117, McCannel Hall 180 - Ask your advisor about other tutoring opportunities within the NCoBPA.
- One Stop: 701.777.1234, Memorial Union 302
- Counseling Services: 701.777.2127, McCannel Hall 200
- Pancratz Career Center: 701.777.6852, Nistler Hall 101
- Parking Office: 701.777.3551, Facilities Building
- Student Health: 701.777.4500, McCannel Hall 100
- Student Involvement: 701.777.4200, Memorial Union Suite 144
- Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities: 701.777.2664, Memorial Union Room 240
- Student Success Center: 701.777.2117, Memorial Union Suite 300
- University IT: 701.777.2222, Chester Fritz Library, Lower Level
- UND Testing Services: 701.777.4157, McCannel Hall 180
- University Police Department: 701.777.3491, 3851 Campus Road
- Veteran and Military Services: 701.777.3363, McCannel Hall 170
- CVIC @ UND: Twamley Hall Room 102. If an emergency, contact 24/7 (701.746.8900)
- Study Abroad: 701.777.4231, Memorial Union Room 240
- Food for Thought Food Pantry: 701.777.2117, McCannel Hall Room 190
- Student Diversity and Inclusion: 701.777.2443, Twamley Hall 100
OAA Mission Statement
The mission of the Nistler CoBPA Office of Academic Advising (OAA) is to assist our students in setting personal and academic goals, to help them develop the necessary skills to achieve those goals and provide them with a safe environment to discuss their academic endeavors with our full-time professional advisors.
Our team of Academic Advisors provide students with information about the College’s majors, minors, and certificate programs, as well as available external resources that will have a positive impact on their academic endeavors.